ECEMA President Message

Dear Students,

Welcome to ECEMA Business School & College De Paris, and thank you for taking the time to learn more about us.

ECEMA Lyon was the first school in the Rhône-Alpes region to offer all its courses (post-Baccalauréat +2) alternately. ECEMA is integrated at all levels of study from the Bac level and welcomes students from all backgrounds (literary, scientific, artistic, technical, literary or human sciences). All courses have management as a common denominator.

ECEMA offers all of its work-study programs. Not only to allow work-study students to earn a living and study in good conditions, but above all out of conviction. The conviction that the training of tomorrow’s managers must be accomplished as closely as possible to the reality of business life.

Each courses of ECEMA, corresponds to a personal ambition, all our students receive individual attention. The success of each student is our priority. Our teams accompany each student in the success of his project. Professional integration, promoted by work-linked training, is our top priority. ECEMA providing a quality education to the students with exceptional experiences, and connections to successful careers.

Welcoming young people on a work-study basis means preparing our future by allowing them to build theirs.
Olivier de Lagarde